Becker Computer & Elektronik

retrofitting cost calculator help:

First translation - we beg your pardon for any mistake - will be corrected soon !

Here you will get some hints to get realistic results with our retrofitting-costs-calculator.


Please don`t forget the following terms and make your entrys in the right order:


1. Select the control-type - think about the "siemens-Options" ( i. e. more then 4 axis) !

2. Select the number of axis.

3. Select the feed - drives (E/R-modul, feed-modul and cable will be calculated).

4. Select "S DC" = dc-converter for remaining dc-motors

5. or spindle-drive "S AC" = new main-spindle-motor with converter etc.

6. Select "linear scale" as often as you need the lenght of 2040 mm.

7. Select "ROD B" as often you need rotary axis ( ROD 250C / 286C with 18.000 pulses ).

9. Select "Rennyshaw" if you need it .

10. Select "handwheel" and "BHG" ( transportable handwheel ).

11. Select "840 Option" for Sinumerik as often they are needed.

12. Don`t forget "tool-changer" and "pallet-stations".

13. Select "cabinet","machine-wiring" and "operator-panel" allways.

14. Select "result".

15. Watch the messages and check the specification.

16. To be sure, notice the price, select "new" and do all entrys again.


In this version (V2) for all feed-drives is taken the same type ( rpm + Nm )

The result for machines with different feed-drives may be not correct !


This calculator is designed for cnc-retrofitts - for manual machines please notice that:

nearly all calculations are depending on the number of axis.

Therefor enter the number of axis even if you need no feed-drives.


The results of this calculators was controlled many times.

Please understand, that we give no guaranty for the result !

 Retrofitting cost calculator V2

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